Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Birthday

June 1 Gosh. I don't feel a bit older. We were invited to friends for a cook out. Was very nice. I go out so seldom I really enjoyed the everything. The lovely birthday cake with candles and they even sang H B to me.Also I recieved 3 beautful red roses. Came home and took a long nap.Now to start another year.
My husband and I picked a big bowel of strawberries this morning. Something is eating on them, but I can only guess it is a tinny. tinny black bug , not the pretend lady bug. From the looks of the bed we should get a lot more berries. Also the rasberry bushes are loaded with tiny green berries.I hope this means a good year for the garden as a whole
I worry about this latest deal with Israel and the boats trying to run their blockade. Will this be the start of another world war? Will America be a target for an invasion? Our president told us in one of his early speaches that he would side with the Muslims if it ever became necessary
What can we the "little people do to take OUR COUNTRY BACK? We can't just sit here and watch all so manny have died for just to be taken from us and our children and their children HELP!!!! Daisy

Saturday, May 29, 2010

May29 I worry

To day people have been celebrating Memorial Day. I dare say a good share of them do not know why or even care. It's a day off. Time for fun, races, get to get together with friends or family, to catch up on odd jobs around the house, what every. It use to be different. We cleaned off the graves of loved ones,put flowers there an on the graves of the fallen heroes flags were placed. There were family get to gathers for a large meal and the telling of stories of those no longer with us. In the after noon or early evening the whole community would go to the park to listen to patreoutic music by the school band, hear the talented people sing or recite pomes and then we would hear from the mayor, several minesters, priests and rabies and all the big political people.Now the president of The United States will not even be seen at any gathering honering our fall loved ones for their services to keep America free, let alone thanking them for giving their lives.I'm worried but I am angry, very anry that if America keeps on this downhill road she is on all the people who have ever fought for Americas freedom will have fought and died for nothing. It grieves me. Daisy

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Long Day May28?

It's not that I got up early but all I manage to get done. Did the wash, got dinner, cleaned up in the kitchen and than took a short nap. "Color Splash" on the Home and Garden channel is one show I really like. I saw it today. I've started writing again and did some work on it. When I get a little more of it done I will post it. It's about survival in a world Americans will not except. As you can see my spelling is terrible, but I think you can make out what I mean to say. My day may seem as one of your slower days do, but remember I'm a sick old lady. Daisy

Monday, May 24, 2010

May 25 First posting

I've lived a long interesting life. Born in a dirt floored logging cabin in Northern Minnesota, lost both parents before I was 7. Went into the wonderful welfare system till I ran away at age 17 and did the best thing I've ever done for myself. I got married and I'm still married to the same man I started out with. I have children, Grand children and Great Grand children. We've had a lot of sickness, never anything common. Built our own house, had a child die traveled with the carnival. done Flea Marketing for 30 years.